This case relates to the original submissions being filed with Inland Revenue on 10 Feb 2019! The submissions followed on from a 1-and-a-half-year investigation in to my client and his company prior
Subsequently, years were spent prompting IRD to do something until I reached out to a Regional manager and related the story to him.
It took another 5 months to get the submissions through.
The investigation ramped up tax payable by my client and his company, all down to incredible incompetence of his former and deceased “accountant”. The investigation went back to 2014, and all years including and after that were corrected. This meant the client was left with tax and penalties owing of $115214.29. Penalties and interest were almost $86000.00.
We settled on $20894.56 which meant even some of the client’s tax was written off!
What a result and this is the longest case we have completed.
But what a result!